Vocational and technical qualifications
We have today published three evaluation reports looking at how grades were awarded in summer 2020. Taken together, they shine further light on the process of standardisation and on the differences between calculated grades, centre assessment grades and final grades. …
Assessment and awarding of Vocational and Technical Qualifications (VTQs) in 2020 has been quite different to any previous year. Yet despite the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis leading to the cancellation of exams and most assessments, learners still need to be able to move on as planned – whether to university, college or sixth form, an apprenticeship …
Reformed Functional Skills Qualifications (FSQs) in English and maths have been in the market for a few weeks now and schools, colleges and training providers are getting to grips with them. At present, qualifications from nine awarding organisations, across the …
The answer to this question should be obvious – the awarding organisation whose qualification is being awarded. But the qualifications market in England has evolved over many years to a point where responsibilities have sometimes become blurred. In part this …
Starting this September, hundreds of thousands of learners will begin studying reformed Functional Skills qualifications (FSQs) in English and maths, offered by a number of different awarding organisations. At levels 1 and 2 these qualifications are used in apprenticeships and …
Around 200,000 16 to 18-year-old students took Applied Generals or Tech Level qualifications in 2018 in subjects areas ranging from applied science, business, and health and social care, to accountancy and horticulture. This blog discusses how the qualifications are assessed and regulated to ensure fairness for all those who take them.
From September, all new students starting an FSQ in English or maths will be enrolled onto the reformed qualifications. This blog will take you through some of the changes.
In just under three weeks, the first full cohort of students will get results for new Applied Generals (and some Tech level qualifications) which were reformed for teaching from 2016. These include level 3 BTECs, Cambridge Technicals and a range …
This summer thousands of students will be receiving results for qualifications that are recognised as level 3 Applied Generals or Tech levels. They are offered by a range of awarding organisations, and include branded qualifications such as BTECs and Cambridge …
...analytics@ofqual.gov.uk. Chart 1: Number of qualifications certificated in England in 2016 to 2017 by type. Chart 2: Number of qualifications available in England as at 1 November 2017 by...