Better information about qualifications – what would help you?

You can share your views to help shape the future of qualifications information on Ofqual's Register.
You can share your views to help shape the future of qualifications information on Ofqual's Register.
With almost two-thirds of the qualifications we regulate being available to teach worldwide, international delivery is already a reality for most awarding organisations.
On a fairly regular basis, we hear about some new, possible application for Artificial Intelligence which can potentially supplement or replace complex human judgement – the sort of judgements which can take humans a long time.
Around 200,000 16 to 18-year-old students took Applied Generals or Tech Level qualifications in 2018 in subjects areas ranging from applied science, business, and health and social care, to accountancy and horticulture. This blog discusses how the qualifications are assessed and regulated to ensure fairness for all those who take them.
This week (30 Jan - 6 Feb) is National Storytelling Week so here at Ofqual we thought we’d join in and talk about some of our favourite stories. We have...
We are looking for experts with detailed knowledge and experience of education, subject and assessment to help us understand whether qualifications are assessing the right things at the right level. This work is vitally important to the current reform of qualifications.
A few months ago we presented the headline results of a survey commissioned in 2014 looking at the ways in which teachers can seek to improve the grades of their...
When is helping a student not in his best interests, or fair to other students? It is a tricky question, and one of many we considered with a small group...
Over the next few weeks we will be moving our website over to GOV.UK, the single government website.