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A levels and GCSEs

Quality assurance for GCSE, AS and A level: information for schools and colleges

A person holding an apple in each hand

This summer, with exams cancelled, the quality assurance (QA) process for qualifications in England is different from the usual moderation process. This is a guide to what schools and colleges can expect.

Feeling worried about grades this year is understandable. Here are some things that might help…

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Female student holds notepad.

An article for students from Professor Kevin Woods and psychologists at Manchester University.   A few weeks ago, schools and colleges opened their doors again to all students. In many ways, it’s “back to normal” but some things are still …

Consultation update and a proposal for externally-set papers

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A level students gathered on school steps

Our joint consultation with the Department for Education on awarding GCSE, AS and A level grades closes today (29 January) and we have already received over 90,000 responses. It is hugely important for those who will be affected by these arrangements to be able to shape the way ahead.

How 2021 could look for students and learners – we want your views

Student looking up at the blue sky

Ofqual and the Department for Education are jointly consulting on arrangements for awarding grades for GCSE, AS and A levels this summer and on awarding arrangements for a range of vocational and technical qualifications.

Further evaluation of summer 2020 awarding

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Decorative picture of a hand sifting through a pile of reports

We have today published three evaluation reports looking at how grades were awarded in summer 2020. Taken together, they shine further light on the process of standardisation and on the differences between calculated grades, centre assessment grades and final grades. …