At Ofqual, and regardless of the weather, our minds are always on the summer. We’re either thinking about the summer exam series just gone or the one to come. Sometimes we’re thinking about the series after that. We’re not alone. …
With only a few days to go until A level results day, the wait is nearly over for students, parents and teachers everywhere. This is the third year of results for reformed AS and the second year of reformed A …
GCSE, AS and A level exams finished in late June, and schools and colleges are now nearing the end of term. But what happens to students’ scripts once the exam is over? Here’s a brief guide to marking, who the …
When asked to think of examiners marking scripts, many people still tend to think of them sitting at a desk with a pile of envelopes from schools and colleges, gradually working through each one in turn. In some subjects, that …
This summer we will see the first awards of the new A level maths qualifications. These were available for schools to teach from September 2017, so they would not normally be available to enter after only one year. When we … for new linear A levels and this means the exam boards will have to change the way they set standards. We have agreed a principle with the exam boards:...
...are overseeing awarding this summer on our website. Glenys Stacey Chief Regulator i When we refer to IGCSEs, we are including Level 1/2 Certificates which are commonly known as IGCSEs....
As Ofqual’s Chief Regulator, I care deeply about assessment, of course, but it is only one part of the system; qualifications should be designed to deliver the curriculum aims first...
With the end of term fast approaching, I have been reflecting on the first tranche of new GCSEs, AS and A levels. We have accredited 93 out of 124 specs, covering all subjects.
...What makes us stand out is the scale of things here. We looked recently at the detail of marking arrangements in Hong Kong. Overall, the arrangements are very similar to...