When size does matter…
...not new. However, since October 2015 we have asked for size to be defined by Total Qualification Time (TQT) and the number of Guided Learning hours (GLH). TQT includes all...
Jeremy Benson is Executive Director for Vocational Qualifications at Ofqual. He has previously worked at the Department for Education and De Montfort University.
...not new. However, since October 2015 we have asked for size to be defined by Total Qualification Time (TQT) and the number of Guided Learning hours (GLH). TQT includes all...
...(EPAs), and our role in assuring the standards of these within the new reformed apprenticeships. The Trailblazers, which are responsible for developing the standards for the new apprenticeships, will need...
Today the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) is officially launched. The framework should help people understand all the qualifications we regulate, general and vocational in England, and vocational in Northern Ireland, and how they relate to each other.
...how we expect the size and level of demand of qualifications to be described, which we are calling the Regulated Qualifications Framework. The framework is part of our work to...
...designed for, like judging a school or determining a college’s funding. This can distort teaching and can lead to so-called ‘teaching to the test’, where passing the qualification is the...
Ofqual maintain standards and confidence in qualifications
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